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Felicity Novak
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Hi! I am Felicity, a multi-disciplinary designer based out of the beautiful New York City and I design beautiful and functional websites and mobile applications.
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The biggest event of the year for creatives from all across the country.
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Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
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I have over 6 years of experience and have the pleasure of working with some of the top companies across the globe.
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July 2015 till today
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_inner_column][tatsu_inner_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_size= “cover” padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “2/3” key= “fo2hr4s9i56bbbkf”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4s9iq4slxdw”]
Freelance Art Director at Nike
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Sep 2014 – Dec 2014
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Creative Director at Shopify
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Oct 2013 – Sep 2014
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Art Director at Airbnb
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_inner_column][/tatsu_inner_row][/tatsu_column][/tatsu_row][tatsu_row full_width= “0” no_margin_bottom= “0” equal_height_columns= “0” gutter= “medium” column_spacing= “px” fullscreen_cols= “0” swap_cols= “0” row_id= “” row_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/1” key= “fo2hr4sa1c3kmqd2”][tatsu_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= ‘{“d”:”top left”}’ bg_size= ‘{“d”:”cover”}’ padding= ‘{“d”:”15px 15px 15px 15px “}’ custom_margin= “1” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px “}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 1px 0px “}’ border_color= “rgba(50,50,50,1)” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “1” overlay_color= “rgba(34,34,34,1)” animate_overlay= “hide” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/1” key= “fo2hr4sa1q8n6pqg”][tatsu_inner_row no_margin_bottom= “0” equal_height_columns= “0” gutter= “medium” column_spacing= “px” swap_cols= “0” row_id= “” row_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3+2/3” key= “fo2hr4sa2mdepkgu”][tatsu_inner_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_size= “cover” padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3” key= “fo2hr4sa2v9ua9jm”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4sa3p13j8ye”]
Nov 2011 – Oct 2013
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_inner_column][tatsu_inner_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_size= “cover” padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “2/3” key= “fo2hr4sa6584bxqv”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4sa6p5kabk3”]
Design Director at Computer Arts Magazine
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_inner_column][/tatsu_inner_row][/tatsu_column][/tatsu_row][tatsu_row full_width= “0” no_margin_bottom= “0” equal_height_columns= “0” gutter= “medium” column_spacing= “px” fullscreen_cols= “0” swap_cols= “0” row_id= “” row_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/1” key= “fo2hr4sa95cy6uog”][tatsu_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= ‘{“d”:”top left”}’ bg_size= ‘{“d”:”cover”}’ padding= ‘{“d”:”15px 15px 15px 15px “}’ custom_margin= “1” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 80px 0px “}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 1px 0px “}’ border_color= “rgba(50,50,50,1)” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “1” overlay_color= “rgba(34,34,34,1)” animate_overlay= “hide” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/1” key= “fo2hr4sa9h9udcqp”][tatsu_inner_row no_margin_bottom= “0” equal_height_columns= “0” gutter= “medium” column_spacing= “px” swap_cols= “0” row_id= “” row_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3+2/3” key= “fo2hr4saa14icilv”][tatsu_inner_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_size= “cover” padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3” key= “fo2hr4saaaye49”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4saas9w9gma”]
Jun 2010 – Nov 2011
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_inner_column][tatsu_inner_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= “top left” bg_size= “cover” padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “2/3” key= “fo2hr4sadqa91zr”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4saelcff2n2”]
Senior Designer at Apple
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_inner_column][/tatsu_inner_row][/tatsu_column][/tatsu_row][tatsu_row full_width= “0” no_margin_bottom= “0” equal_height_columns= “0” gutter= “medium” column_spacing= “px” fullscreen_cols= “0” swap_cols= “0” row_id= “” row_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3+1/3+1/3” key= “fo2hr4sagy50y901”][tatsu_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= ‘{“d”:”top left”}’ bg_size= ‘{“d”:”cover”}’ padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3” key= “fo2hr4sahac0ir8u”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4sahtfrezlp”]
UX / UI Design
Web Development
Print & Editorial
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_column][tatsu_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= ‘{“d”:”top left”}’ bg_size= ‘{“d”:”cover”}’ padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3” key= “fo2hr4sakac3yn2k”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4sal52r7lt1”]
Computer Arts
[/tatsu_inline_text][/tatsu_column][tatsu_column bg_color= “” bg_image= “” bg_repeat= “no-repeat” bg_attachment= “scroll” bg_position= ‘{“d”:”top left”}’ bg_size= ‘{“d”:”cover”}’ padding= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ custom_margin= “0” margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 0px 0px”}’ border_color= “” enable_box_shadow= “0” box_shadow_custom= “0 0 15px 0 rgba(198,202,202,0.4)” bg_video= “0” bg_video_mp4_src= “” bg_video_ogg_src= “” bg_video_webm_src= “” bg_overlay= “0” overlay_color= “” animate_overlay= “none” link_overlay= “” vertical_align= “none” column_offset= “0” offset= “0px 0px” z_index= “0” column_parallax= “0” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” col_id= “” column_class= “” hide_in= “0” layout= “1/3” key= “fo2hr4sanhcd3o06”][tatsu_inline_text margin= ‘{“d”:”0px 0px 30px 0px”}’ max_width= ‘{“d”:”100″}’ wrap_alignment= “center” animate= “” animation_type= “fadeIn” animation_delay= “0” key= “fo2hr4sao1c3ar60”]
Cannes Lions
European Design
Red Dot
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I love to listen and I am eagerly waiting to talk to you regarding your project. Get in touch with us if you have any queries and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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